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The CRUDRouter is able to generate and document your routes based on the schema, a pydantic model, that is passed to it.

In general, the all provided CRUDRouter's have the option to pass both a schema and a create schema to it. If no create schema is provided, the CRUDRouter will automatically generate one. Optionally you can also pass an update schema allowing for custom update behavior.


Automatic Create and Update Schema Generation

Leaving the create and/or update schema argument blank when creating your CRUDRouter will result in the crud router automatically generating and documenting a create and/or update schema in your routes. In doing so, it automatically removes any field which matches the primary key in the database as this will be generated server side.

Create Schemas

Create schemas are models which typically don't include fields that are generated by a database or other backends. An example of this is an id field in a model.

from pydantic import BaseModel

class Potato(BaseModel):
    id: int
    color: str
    mass: float

class CreatePotato(BaseModel):
    color: str
    mass: float

Update Schemas

Update schemas allow you to limit which fields can be updated. As an example, the update schema below will only allow you to update the color field when used in the CRUDRouter.

from pydantic import BaseModel

class Potato(BaseModel):
    id: int
    color: str
    mass: float

# Allowing the user to only update the color
class UpdatePotato(BaseModel):
    color: str